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Bitcoin Cash Exchange
The reason behind the popularity of the search for a great Bitcoin Cash Exchange comes from the history of cryptocurrencies. When Bitcoin flooded the market more than ten years ago, traders split between skeptics and enthusiasts. Over the years, the world has learned to appreciate the idea of Bitcoin and its Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system. However, the crypto community has recognized its limits. Bitcoin suffers from a series of issues (for example, the transactions slowness) that its community has been trying to solve for years.
The discussions in the BTC community have grown to the point of creating a real split in 2017, leading to the birth of Bitcoin Cash (BCH). We can see Bitcoin Cash as a system that uses the same algorithm as BTC, but with a block size limit that is eight times more powerful (with obvious consequences on the speed of transactions).
If you are % p.a.ed in knowing more about this topic and discovering the name of the best Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Exchange platform, stay with us and read our review!
The best online exchange platform for Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
If you are not yet part of the HODLer family, we have good news for you: with YouHodler, you have found the best online exchange platform for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) on the Web. We offer several unique features: just to name a few of them, you can enjoy all the benefits of crypto volatility by using our Multi HODL function or even request a crypto loan.
You now need to know how to exchange Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with us. Keep on reading to learn more on the matter!
How to exchange Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
We are happy to welcome you into our community! As a new HODLer, you will be glad to learn that we have designed three different ways to exchange Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with us:
- Bank transfer: just select a fiat wallet (such as USD or EUR), go to the “deposit” section, and choose the “Bank Wire” option. After following the on-screen instructions, you will be able to exchange Bitcoin Cash (BCH) in this way
- Card transfer: you can also click on the “Buy Crypto” button, which will let you enter all the information of your card
- Crypto transfer: we really could not forget about this option; on YouHodler, you can exchange cryptos for Bitcoin Cash (BCH). If you are % p.a.ed, choose a crypto wallet, and rest assured that the system will apply the best market exchange rate to the operation.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Exchange App
We are proud to announce that our Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Exchange App incorporates all the great features of our desktop portal.
Success in the financial markets is not as easy to obtain as it may sound: you need to take care of complex operations connected to risk management and research. Knowing this, we have removed all the unnecessary over-complications of many apps on the market, giving you an app that is fully compatible with both iOS and Android systems.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Exchange Rate
What do active traders and passive HODLers have in common? Among other things, they all need to check how their crypto investments are going periodically. On YouHodler, any type of investor will appreciate the possibility of quickly scrolling among different exchange rates.
Since we have dozens of different coins and several main fiat currencies, our portal will let you see the value of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) against a wide variety of assets.
Now that you have found the best online exchange app for your cryptos, join our community today!