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1inch Network Exchange
The 1INCH token is much more than an ERC-20 utility token: it is an instant governance token that is used to govern the performance of the liquidity aggregator. The 1INCH token allows any holder to wager their coins in order to make a profit.
Those who choose to stake their tokens will receive rewards from the swap fee and the price impact fee. Holders of 1INCH tokens will also have the right to vote on changes to both parameters by receiving governance awards.
The 1Inch Network (1INCH) dApp looks very similar to a traditional exchange and can be defined as a new generation Authorized Market Maker.
The functioning of the mechanism underlying the ecosystem is given by the liquidity protocol, which allows anyone % p.a.ed to provide liquidity within the system by participating in the so-called liquidity pools.
The operation made available by 1inch Network (1INCH) allows users to immobilize a certain amount of assets by increasing liquidity and receiving rewards in 1INCH tokens for the work done.
Furthermore, its aggregation protocol is based on a system and allows you to dissect a single transaction on multiple DEX operators, thus trying to guarantee the most efficient rates. The control and management center is represented by the 1INCHv4 smart contract, used to verify the runtime and to initiate transactions.
The best online exchange platform for 1inch Network (1INCH)
For exchanging cryptocurrencies, YouHodler offers competitive rates and innovative features. YouHodler includes various other functions in addition to full-service crypto trading, including:
- Loans backed by cryptocurrency: Use your cryptocurrency as security for a quick loan in fiat, stablecoins, or crypto.
- MultiHODL: An revolutionary trading tool that allows traders to swiftly and simply long and short crypto.
- Turbocharge: a "chain of loans" idea that allows users to increase their cryptocurrency during weak markets.
- Accounts for storing cryptocurrency: With compounding % p.a., deposit crypto and stablecoins to earn % p.a. rates as high as 12.3 percent . Take advantage of weekly payouts as well as passive income.
Like what you've seen so far? Sign up for YouHodler to learn about all of the ways we can assist you.
How to exchange 1inch Network (1INCH)
To begin, go to and create an account. You may start trading 1inch Network (1INCH) with one of the following methods after your account has been validated:
- Card (credit or debit): To swap 1inch Network, go to "Buy Crypto" and input your card information (1INCH)
- If you wish to buy/sell 1inch Network with fiat money, pick your fiat wallet (e.g., USD or EUR) and follow the "bank wire" instructions (1INCH).
- Other cryptocurrencies: Choose your wallet and trade 1inch Network with your preferred coins (1INCH).
1inch Network (1INCH) Exchange App
For smartphones and tablets, our engineers designed the 1INCH Network (1INCH) Exchange App. It's compatible with iOS and Android devices and offers the same features as our PC site.
You may track the 1inch Network (1INCH) market prices at any time with the mobile app.
1inch Network (1INCH) Exchange Rate
You need quick market access whether you're a passive HODLer or an aggressive investor. On YouHodler, we display the 1inch Network (1INCH) exchange rate in real-time against a wide range of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
Become a community member and begin trading 1inch Network (1INCH) right away.